Advanced Diagnosis and Ongoing Care for Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is a serious eye disease that can significantly impair your vision. Fortunately, early diagnosis and comprehensive care can often preserve your eyesight. The Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center provides diagnosis, management, and ongoing care for macular degeneration. Dr. Emilio M. Justo and his Medical Optometrists Dr. Mark Yates and Dr. Daniel Valdes, use advanced tools, such as the CIRRUS™ optical coherence tomography (OCT) test, to diagnose the condition. With ongoing treatment, including nutrition therapy, we can often prevent further vision loss. Do not let macular degeneration compromise your vision and independence. Contact our Phoenix practice to schedule your first consultation.

What Is Macular Degeneration?
The macula is in the center of your retina, which is located at the back of your eye. This area is responsible for fine, detailed vision. Unfortunately, as a person ages, the macula begins to thin or break down, a condition known as macular degeneration.
There are two types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): wet AMD and dry AMD. Dry macular degeneration is the most common type. If you suffer from this condition, yellow deposits called drusen will accumulate on your macula. As the disease progresses, the deposits grow larger. Eventually this will lead to severely blurred vision that could compromise your ability to perform routine tasks.
Wet AMD is a less common form of this disease. When dry macular degeneration goes untreated, wet AMD can develop. This condition results in the growth of abnormal blood vessels beneath your retina. Over time, they may begin to leak blood. This excess fluid causes the retina to swell and impair your vision.
Diagnosis for Macular Degeneration
In part, our team of talented providers will diagnose your condition based on a dilated eye exam. We will use an ophthalmoscope to look through your eye and check for drusen on your retina. We may also use the state-of-the-art CIRRUS™ OCT test to examine your macula. This device measures the refraction of light waves through your eye and creates a detailed model of your macula.
Treatment Options
Dr. Justo and his Medical Optometrists Dr. Mark Yates and Dr. Daniel Valdes can treat macular degeneration with a nutritional supplement called MacuHealth®. This pill contains three important pigments that form a protective shield over the macula. A six-month intake of this supplement can restore normal pigment levels. It can also significantly reduce the symptoms of macular degeneration. You may also purchase this vitamin on our Online store.
In addition, we offer several treatments using the most state-of-the-art equipment available, for more severe cases of AMD. We work with a renowned in-house macular specialist, and we can also collaborate with your referring physician. Our advanced argon laser can seal leaking blood vessels to treat wet AMD. These highly precise lasers can yield dramatic results with little impact to the surrounding tissues. We also offer several other advanced surgical options. Dr. Justo and our macular specialist will develop a precise and detail-oriented treatment plan to meet your individual vision needs.
Learn More at Our Office
Early diagnosis and ongoing care is vital to the treatment of macular degeneration. If you have been diagnosed with wet or dry AMD, or you have a family history of the condition, or are due for a regular eye exam, book an appointment with Dr. Justo today.