Look Years Younger by Eliminating Forehead Wrinkles
In the past, getting older meant enduring wrinkles and looser skin. Some people tried to conceal these effects of aging with fashionable clothing, while others attempted to halt their progression with a healthy lifestyle. When it came to the face and forehead, however, the tell-tale lines and wrinkles associated with aging were ever present and highly visible.
Now you can eliminate those age-defining lines and tighten your skin with an advanced procedure known as an endoscopic brow lift. At the Phoenix-area Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center, with offices in Sun City, Sun City West, and Wickenburg, founder Dr. Emilio Justo has been at the forefront of minimally invasive facial plastic surgery for more than 30 years.
By utilizing the endoscopic brow lift technique, Dr. Justo can make significant aesthetic improvements with tiny incisions. If you are interested in taking years off of your appearance while maintaining a natural look, contact our plastic surgery center today.
The Endoscopic Brow Lift
After either general or local anesthesia has been administered, Dr. Justo will make a few small incisions just above the hairline. With long surgical tools and a thin cable tipped with a video camera and light (known as an endoscope), Dr. Justo will begin to remove small amounts of tough muscle in the forehead. In doing so, Dr. Justo will weaken the muscles that create scowl wrinkles and smooth the tissue underneath the skin. After that, the skin is lifted and pulled back, elevating drooping eyebrows and smoothing out wrinkles. Finally, the incisions will be closed and sutured, allowing them to heal, concealed behind the hairline.
The endoscopic brow lift is different from a traditional forehead lift in that the endoscopic technique requires only tiny incisions, while the traditional technique requires a large incision extending across the top of the head and the skin of the forehead to be pulled down. The endoscopic brow lift provides two important advantages over its traditional counterpart: it produces less scarring, and it takes only about an hour to perform.
View patient Before & After photos.
The Difference Between an Endoscopic Brow Lift and a Direct Brow Lift
Potential Risks
Even though an endoscopic brow lift such as the one we offer at our Phoenix-area practice is less traumatizing than a traditional forehead lift, there are still a few risks involved. Infection and adverse effects from anesthesia are among the more serious risks, while some patients may experience numbness or have difficulty furrowing the brow. If you decide to take advantage of this treatment, Dr. Justo will describe these risks in more detail during your pre-operation consultation.
Watch an Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery
Direct Brow Lift Surgery
Learn More about the Forehead and Brow Lift
If you are interested in brow lift surgery, contact our plastic surgery practice in Phoenix, serving Glendale, Peoria, Surprise, and beyond. During your consultation with Dr. Justo, be sure to ask about complementary procedures such as laser skin resurfacing, blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift to learn if you might be able to enhance the results of this age-defying treatment.