Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center

Cataract Surgery Benefits

Jun 24, 2019 @ 12:15 PM — by Emilio Justo
Tagged with: Cataract Surgery Lensx Laser Justo

Cataract Surgery of Today Offers Big Opportunities

I remember when I first met Greg Uhles. His prescription was so strong that he could barely see an inch in front of him without strong correction. He had astigmatism, and he was slowly losing the ability to do things he loved, like play tennis.

He was afraid of losing his driver's license as his vision became more and more blurry and he began to struggle to read street signs and addresses.

Fortunately for Greg, and so many others I meet, the fix was easy and life-changing.

I diagnosed him with dense cataracts that were making his already challenging vision much worse.

But I had great news for Greg: Cataract surgery is not only one of the safest and most common procedures today, but it also offers an opportunity for significant vision correction.

As a Registered Nurse, Greg did his research and appreciated how far cataract surgery has advanced. Today, patients get customized plans when they see me for cataracts.

At my practice, the Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center, I utilize the LenSx femtosecond laser for refractive cataract surgery, an investment that helps me to ensure the most precise vision correction. That is because rather than rely entirely on my human hands and instruments, a laser performs precise elimination of the old lens, breaking it up, so I can sweep it out cleanly.

In addition, I use the Optiwave Refractive Analysis System (ORA) to make intraocular lens measurements live during the surgery. This is especially important with thick cataracts that are difficult to measure before the old lens is removed. It helps me ensure that each patient using the ORA System in their procedure gets the optimum vision correction possible for them.

Together, this technology helps me ensure the best results possible in any individual patient.

One of the most personal and important choices a patient will make when we develop their cataract surgery plan, is what intraocular lens to use in replacing their old lens. Greg chose the Toric lens, to help correct for his astigmatism.

Patients can select multi-focal lenses that correct for near vision as well as distance vision. Patients may at times still need reading glasses following the procedure, but they all appreciate an often dramatic improvement in their vision and their lifestyle.

Greg was fortunate to refract with nearly perfect vision post surgery, and is enjoying his newfound vision freedom, and his ability to continue driving and play tennis again, even at night.

I tell you this story because June is Cataract Awareness Month, and an important time to think about your vision and how your quality of life may be impacted right now, or in the future, because of cataracts.

It is important to see your eye doctor at least once a year, to help check for vision conditions such as cataracts, so that they can be corrected before your lifestyle begins to be impacted in a big way.

Greg is just one of many stories I can share - where patients have lost the ability to do things they love, as their vision fades. Losing the independence of driving is also an issue that drives many to my practice.

This summer is a great time to call and schedule an exam. Life is different without quality vision. Here at the Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center, we take many insurances for comprehensive medical eye exams.

How do you know whether you may be forming cataracts? Here are some signs to look out for:

Ultimately, a diagnosis by your eye physician during your annual exam is the best way to know whether you are ready for cataract surgery.  

-- Emilio M. Justo, M.D., is the Founder & Medical Director of the Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Surgery, a practice with multiple offices serving Valley residents and specializing in customized cataract surgery, laser eyelid (blepharoplasty) surgery, and routine to complex vision care. Learn more at or (623) 975-2020..

Call our office today to schedule your appointment.