Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center

Diagnosed with 'Blepharoptosis?'

Aug 17, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by Emilio Justo
Tagged with: Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Ptosis

Diagnosed With 'Blepharoptosis?'


Have you been diagnosed with 'blepharoptosis?' Or do you know a loved one who has been diagnosed with this common condition that can dramatically impact life?

Just what exactly does that mean to you?

Blepharoptosis is a common but also commonly misunderstood condition.

It is a drooping of the eyelid that is far more than just a cosmetic concern.

The drooping may be minor or may severely impact your vision. When your peripheral vision is impaired, it can diminish quality of life, including ability to drive safely or comfortably and to see and enjoy favorite activities.  Many patients report having to hold their eyelids open with their brows or even fingers. Others may not even notice as their peripheral vision gradually diminishes over the years.  

Watch this video on what 'blepharoptosis' is: 

Most patients appreciate the very dramatic improvement in their vision following eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty).  Dr. Emilio M. Justo, our Founder and Medical Director, has decades of experience providing natural results, using a CO2 laser to make the surgery easy on you.

All ages can experience blepharoptosis, which typically requires an outpatient surgery to restore the original contour of the eyelid.

If you know a friend or family member who has eyelids that droop and make them appear more tired or older than they feel, invite them to see Emilio Justo, M.D., for a consultation. Every new patient referral earns you a valuable reward when they bring us your name.

Help us spread the word: Blepharoptosis is a serious condition that has serious consequences on your life. In the hands of Emilio Justo, M.D., and his team, you can feel comforted that your surgery will be gentle, results will be as beautiful and natural as possible, and we will work hard to get the procedure covered under your medical insurance whenever possible.

Watch an educational video and see real Before and After images here that you are welcomed to share.