Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center

'I Had to Use My Eyebrows to Drive'

Sep 24, 2015 @ 11:00 AM — by Emilio Justo
Tagged with: Eyelid Blepharoplasty

'I Don't Have to Lift My Eyebrows to Drive'



Dianne Houston had no idea how much she relied on her eyebrows to drive.

Yes, you heard right.

Her eyebrows. To drive.

Today, following eyelid surgery at the Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center, she can drive without having to lift those brows to see over droopy eyelids that were covering her peripheral vision. 

"This is something I put off for years. I did a lot of eyebrow lifting because to see straight out and up, I would have to lift my eyelids," Dianne explains. "I had no peripheral vision above. To see stoplights and street signs, I had to raise my eyebrows a lot. 

Now, I can just look ahead with ease."

Medical Director Emilio M. Justo, M.D., performed outpatient eyelid surgery on Dianne to eliminate the excess skin that is a common impact to vision as we age.

Dianne said Dr. Justo's use of a CO2 laser in the outpatient surgery, and use of local anesthesia, helped her decide to finally seek the eyelid surgery she has long wanted.

Not long after her surgery, Dianne visited the Mogollon Rim in Arizona, and enjoyed the breathtaking beauty with greater ease than she had in a long time. "Everything seems brighter," she said.

"I'm real happy with it, real happy I had it done," she said. "It looks real natural, so you can't tell I had anything done - and yet if you look at the before and after images, it looks like I have had a facelift!"

"I recommend talking to Dr. Justo about eyelid surgery."

Contact us today for a consultation.