Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May 26, 2015 @ 11:00 AM — by Emilio Justo
Tagged with: Updates Obagi Skin

It's no mistake that we exclusively offer Obagi medical grade skin care products.

Your best defense against aging and skin cancer is good skin care.  Obagi by Valeant offers products that make a real difference in not only your skin's outward appearance, but its inward health.

You can not only repair damaged skin with our products, from the popular Blue Peel to the Nu-Derm system, but you can keep aging at bay with their regular use as well.

As May, Skin Cancer Awareness Month, comes to a close, we want to remind you that skin health is important every single month.

To help, we encourage you to take advantage of our free skin care consultations with our Nursing Director, Roxanne Seale, during which you can learn what Obagi products - and more - can do for your skin health, in the short term and long term.

We hope you take advantage of the opportunity for free beauty and skin advice with this consultation offer. But even more so, we hope we can serve as a reminder to avoid the risks that can make skin cancer a bigger danger.

We are sharing a few tips provided by our skin care partner, Obagi products by Valeant.

Remember to always take good care of your skin. 

It is worth it - and so are you!



Say no to tanning beds. Don’t believe the hype—just because tanning indoors is a controlled dose of ultraviolet radiation does not make it okay. Believe it or not, indoor tanners are typically less safe than the rays of the sun, as new high-pressure sunlamps can deliver as much as 12 times the annual UVA dose as natural exposure.

Don’t feel confident just because you’re young. While the average age of those diagnosed with skin cancer lies somewhere between 45 and 55, it turns out a quarter of all cases occur in people under the age of 40.4 So regardless of age, make sure you protect yourself—always use sunscreen and wear protective clothing while outdoors.

Be vigilant with sunscreen—even if you’re not light-skinned. While it’s true that those with darker skin are less likely to develop the disease than those with lighter, fairer skin, the risk still exists for everyone. This is why it’s important for everyone to protect themselves. So lather up and protect all exposed areas with a broad-spectrum sunscreen, such as our award-winning Obagi Nu-Derm® Sun Shield SPF 50, before venturing outside. For all skin types, it applies with an elegant, matte finish that feels great on your skin.

Bring in your old product bottle and we will give you $10 off a new Sun Shield SPF 50 Matte Sunblock to help you protect your skin this summer!

Check non-exposed parts of the body for signs of the disease. Believe it or not, melanoma can be diagnosed anywhere from the soles of one’s feet to beneath the fingernails.6 That’s why it’s important to regularly see your dermatologist and continually check your moles for signs of any changes.

Looking for more tips on how to best protect you and your skin? Visit the Skin Cancer Foundation at for more information!